Saturday, May 17, 2014

The meaning and relationship of ‘person’人(Rén), ‘big’ 大(dà), ‘sky’ 天(tiān), and ‘man/husband ‘夫(fu)

Chang-jei defined the elements associated with is . Note there is no short line on the top of , indicating that human hold a greater place in human nature and can overcome the animal instincts. That was how Chang-jei created .

There is a short line on the top of compared with , because sky covers everything.
does not  live like any animal, so has a long line across the . If is not shown, it is imperfect and in error as a character.

Going further, there is a character 夭 (Yāo) that means 'death'. holds the exceptional animal, man, to be in . If he is not, there is . is to live to fight with , ‘ground’, and other .

Chang-jei held such logical thinking for each text and their relationship. We can also see Chang-jei carried human struggle and ambition, as philosophy, to dialect the enlightenment of human being.

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